
The Morning Briefing: Big Data analytics

"The Morning Briefing" is SmartPlanet's daily roundup of must-reads from the web. This morning we're reading about Big Data analytics.
Written by Charlie Osborne, Contributing Writer

"The Morning Briefing" is SmartPlanet's daily roundup of must-reads from the web. This morning we're reading about Big Data analytics.

1.) Alteryx opens Big Data-analytics apps studio for the rest of us. Alteryx has opened a big data-analytics apps studio for people who do not necessarily have a deep knowledge of data science. The intent is to make data analytics as accessible as a consumer application makes its service.

2.) Shopping or browsing on Main St? India's Big Data firms know. Shopping in a U.S. department store? Surveillance cameras may be watching, and not because you might be a shoplifter.

3.) Sorting out a boundless world of Big Data. Managing enormous amounts of data is a major challenge world-wide for businesses today. The data volume keeps increasing while digital content becomes more diverse, with each upgrade to computers and mobile devices contributing to the expansion.

4.) We need to prevent insights from dying in the big data avalanche. To take full advantage of big data, businesses must think about how to use those mountains of data as they come into the network, not store it and hope to gather insights weeks or even months later. To do this, we need new tools.

5.) The key to keeping customers? Big data. More than a buzzword, data is crucial to finding out what customers are actually thinking.

Image credit: Walmart


This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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