
The Morning Briefing: LED development

"The Morning Briefing" is SmartPlanet's daily roundup of must-reads from the web. This morning we're reading about LED development.
Written by Charlie Osborne, Contributing Writer

"The Morning Briefing" is SmartPlanet's daily roundup of must-reads from the web. This morning we're reading about LED development.

1.) Infrared LEDs can be made cheaper, compatible with silicon. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at infrared wavelengths are the magic behind such things as night vision and optical communications, including the streaming data that comes through Netflix. Cornell University researchers have advanced the process of making such LEDs cheaper and easier to fabricate.

2.) Special substrate helps LEDs shine brighter without losing efficiency. University of California - Santa Barbara researchers have found a way to make blue and green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) give off more light without the barrier of a second field.

3.) LED street lights save millions each year. LED street lighting is saving millions of dollars each year on town and city electricity bills in America and further afield. Around 41,000 GE Evolve LED street lights being installed in Las Vegas are set to save the city almost $2.7 million (£1.6 million) each year in electricity bills and reduced maintenance costs.

4.) How to spur mass market consumer adoption of LEDs. Convincing consumers to switch to LED lighting is an interesting proposition. On paper, it seems a no-brainer: LED lighting uses 80 percent less energy than traditional lighting.

5.) World's First Flashlight With Luminus' Revolutionary Round LED. Luminus Devices, Inc., announced today that its newly developed Round Big Chip LED™ has been designed into a tactical flashlight by Ruijia Portable Lighting Products Company of Dongguan City, China.

Image credit: Mike Deal


This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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