
Tiffen introduces Smoothee Steadicam tripod for iPhone 3GS

If you're serious about using your iPhone 3GS as a handheld mini-camcorder, Tiffen has developed the Smoothee Steadicam - a tripod for the iPhone.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

If you're serious about using your iPhone 3GS as a handheld mini-camcorder, Tiffen has developed the Smoothee Steadicam - a tripod for the iPhone.

All one has to do is strap in the iPhone 3GS onto the platform, which is kept stable by a counterweight. The cradle can also be detached for extra mobility, and then mounted to another tripod or placed on a flat surface.

It seems like a lot of work and a huge contraption for a not-so-high-quality video recorder without flash. I also don't know who is going to be shooting a serious-enough video on a smartphone video camera. But it might make the iPhone-videographer look more serious at least.

There's no official price or release date yet (although CNET predicts it won't come cheap), but here's a Tiffen-produced video to give you a better idea about the accessory and keep you content until then. (I sure hope the video was shot with an iPhone 3GS. It would make more sense, marketing-wise.)

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