
Today's Links: YouTube the vote, Web 2.0 at the polls

Web 2.0 Goes to the Polls: Find it on YouTube!
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor

"TODAY’S LINKS" November 7, 2006

ELECTION DAY 2006: “Today’s Links” is an eclectic round up pointing to noteworthy news and worthy analysis from all around the World Wide Web.


WEB 2.0 GOES TO THE POLLS, Information Week, 11/06/06

Evolve Strategies has what it claims is a nonpartisan voter complaint system called Voter Story. The free "Web page widget" allows any group with a Website to allow voters to tell their story. It refers those with problems to voter protection groups.

"We want to make sure that any voter who experiences a problem at the polls has a way to tell their story and get help," Rob Stuart, president of EvolveStrategies and voter rights advocate, said. "We hope and expect webmasters will install the widget on news and candidate sites, civic organization sites and blogs dedicated to election protection."

GET OUT THE VOTE? Oberlin Times 11/06/06

Government of the people, by the people, will be missing a lot of people Election Day.

Compare U.S. voting with foreign voting and it‘s not a pretty sight. Americans are less apt to vote than are people in other old democracies, in new ones, in dangerous places, dirt poor ones, freezing cold ones, stinking hot ones and highly dysfunctional ones.

About 40% of U.S. citizens of voting age cast ballots in non-presidential year elections.

VIDEO THE VOTE, Baltimore Sun, 11/07/07

"The networks are so focused on covering the winners and the losers on Election Day that sometimes the loser is the voter," said Inaba, of Berkeley, Calif., a 35-year-old Wharton School of Business graduate and former investment banker. "Now we're going to tell those voters' stories in as close to real-time as possible."

Today, runners will collect the videos from the field, upload them to the Internet, share the images with the mainstream media and post them on YouTube, a popular Web site for video sharing...

Video the Vote partners, such as Common Cause and the People for the American Way Foundation, have established a national election protection hot line to field complaints from voters. Inaba's videographers will trail those groups' lawyers when they are dispatched to precincts with long lines or equipment failures.

"We've been tracking incidents in our database for years, but people aren't going to hang out all day and search our database," said Michele Lawrence Jawando, a national election protection coordinator for the foundation. "This is a visual picture that will shine a light on some of the things we find out."



Eric Schmidt, CEO, is Google's biggest cheerleader. Terry Semel, CEO, is Yahoo's biggest defender. Steve Ballmer, CEO, is Microsoft's indefatigable champion.

Which CEO reigns supreme? VOTE NOW, The Easy Way!

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