
Tolerant ditches Network Associates for Computer Associates

Obviously likes working with 'Associates'... that much it's sure about...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

Obviously likes working with 'Associates'... that much it's sure about...

UK security reseller Tolerant Systems has dropped Network Associates' McAfee anti-virus products in favour of striking an exclusive deal to become master reseller of Computer Associates' eTrust line-up in the UK. Tolerant accounts for 14 per cent of McAfee sales in the UK, but claims it made the switch because CA offers "superior and better-priced products". Nick Tunstall, managing director at Tolerant Systems, said: "Our move from McAfee to CA, which offers a better priced, better quality product, allows us to focus on adding value to the end user, while realising our own ambitions for growth." However, Network Associates (NAI) appears to be unconcerned by these claims, which it passed off as "confusing", citing analyst evidence to the contrary, and seems in no doubt that it will not be affected by the loss of its relationship with Tolerant. Sarah Whipp, European marketing director at NAI, said: "The bottom line is that we don't think there will be any impact upon us." Whipp believes customers who bought through Tolerant will simply go elsewhere for their McAfee products. "Our products were chosen by customers of Tolerant because they offered the best fit for those companies. Because of the way we are developing we are confident that these sales will continue. We're happy to continue with the partners we already have and those who are now coming on board," she said. Chris Devlin, general manager of channels at CA, said in a statement: "Our strategy of working with one master reseller gives CA a clear route to market and will provide existing clients and partners with a channel for all sales, marketing and technical enquiries."
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