
Trying to do my bit

I gave a presentation to the Faversham Community Cafe about Free Open Source Software and the OpenDisc project last night. It went well, just letting people know that there are free alternatives, and asking them to spread the word and distribute the DVDs.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

I gave a presentation to the Faversham Community Cafe about Free Open Source Software and the OpenDisc project last night. It went well, just letting people know that there are free alternatives, and asking them to spread the word and distribute the DVDs.


The OpenDisc project has just released it's latest collection of Open Source software for Windows. No animal names, only 09.05. The software that appeared to attract the most interest was OpenOffice.org 3, Firefox, Scribus, ClamWin anti-virus and GIMP. As I emphasised last night, "these are worth the price of admission alone".

Scribus 1.3

I did have a bit of a problem trying to print the artwork for the OpenDisc DVD; the artwork was out of date and also the Scribus DTP files didn't want to open :(

I thought I would help out and reset them in Scribus. However, new software trip-up-the-learning-curve syndrome: I don't know how to a) apply leading to one paragraph rather than the whole text box or b) apply paragraph spacing without creating new styles. When I get there, I'll pass the artwork on to the project!

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