
Twitter traffic triumphs in April

Twitter had quite the traffic in April with 7 million new U.S.
Written by Jennifer Bergen, Contributor

Twitter had quite the traffic in April with 7 million new U.S. visitors. But the overwhelming gain in numbers could be a one-time deal. April was the month in which Ashton raced CNN to get 1 million followers, and the same month that mega-celeb Oprah joined.

According to comScore, Twitter saw 17 million U.S. unique visitors in April -- up 83 percent from March. That's a 3,000 percent gain from that time last year. It's important to note that these numbers show how many people visited the actual Twitter Web site and doesn't take into account things like desktop apps, and mobile usage.

Unless another major celebrity decides to join Twitter, the numbers are likely to go back down or even out, but we'll have to wait and see in the upcoming months. Twitter users may also get bored of the site, or find that they don't like it, even though Ashton and Demi do. We'll keep you posted on the changing Twitter traffic in the next few months to see if the numbers are really on the steady hockey-stick incline.

Via The Business Insider.

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