
UK welcoming biometrics with open arms?

Three-quarters approve of their use...
Written by Gemma Simpson, Contributor

Three-quarters approve of their use...

Even though most Brits don't actually understand what biometrics are, 76 per cent of people in the UK are now more in favour of them than a year ago, research from security company TSSI Systems has revealed.

But more than half (58 per cent) of respondents did not know if they had been subject to biometric checks when travelling abroad.

Increased personal safety was named as the biggest driver for the shift in attitudes with eight in 10 people changing opinions in the last year.

Three-quarters of people surveyed believe biometrics are important in combating terrorism, with only 17 per cent viewing intelligence information as more important to fighting terrorism than biometrics.

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The UK population appears to be ready to welcome biometrics into everyday life with only nine per cent of respondents actively against their use in areas such as the rail network, the Tube, shops and airline networks.

A separate study by IT services supplier Steria has found nine out of 10 UK flyers find increased security reassuring.

A third of respondents to the Steria survey admitted security processes are also a significant inconvenience, with 90 per cent keen to see the processes cut down, as long as this does not mean an increase in risk.

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