
Updated Debian GNU/Linux Distribution

I just noticed that there is an updated distribution of the Debian GNU/Linux stable branch, lenny 5.0.
Written by J.A. Watson, Contributor

I just noticed that there is an updated distribution of the Debian GNU/Linux stable branch, lenny 5.0.4. As noted in the press release, this release is primarily security updates and a few serious problem fixes. If you are running Debian lenny and have been keeping up to date with the official updates, you don't need to reinstall, the purpose of this distribution is simply to consolidate all the latest updates into a single installable distribution.

There are two major groups of Debian administrators in the world. Group A downloads one set of 5.0.x distribution media, and uses that to install whenever necessary. After completing an installation, they pick up all outstanding updates from the closest Debian mirror, and they're done. Group B prefers to have the latest distribution media, so they download each new release as it becomes available, and retire the previous installation media. After completing an installation there are not nearly as many updates to be installed, so they are most likely done in a somewhat shorter time. (Either way, the amount of time spent getting updates will be a fraction of the time spent updating a Windows installation.)

If you belong to Group A, ignore this announcement and continue as before, and things will be just fine. If you belong to Group B, it's time to update your distribution media, and then things will also be just fine. If you belong to Group "W" ... it's "patch Tuesday" again, time to download and install the latest security fixes...

jw 10/2/2010

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