
Updated: Red Hat launches JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform, 3 new open source projects

Red Hat announced a fully integrated SOA platform combining JBoss middleware and Red Hat Enterprise Linux and launched three new open source projects.Due by the end of February, the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is a subscription-based offering that incorporates the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, JBoss EnterpriseService Bus (ESB), JBoss BPM (jBPM) and JBoss Rules.
Written by Paula Rooney, Contributor

Red Hat announced a fully integrated SOA platform combining JBoss middleware and Red Hat Enterprise Linux and launched three new open source projects.

Due by the end of February, the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is a subscription-based offering that incorporates the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, JBoss Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), JBoss BPM (jBPM) and JBoss Rules. The SOA Platform runs on Windows, Linux, Unix

JBoss ESB was previously an open source project and is now a supported platform.

The cetified SOA platform that integrates business applications and web services and provides enterprise application integration, ESB, and business automation needs, Pierre Fricke, director of product line management at JBoss, said during a webcast today at JBoss World.

"It's an integrated platform that brings together all constituencies and partners and applications together," Fricke said, noting that Red Hat saw an opportunity to provide an integrated stack to save customers time and money. "We see a lot of custom ESBs deployed out there and they did it beause the first generation ESBs didn't do the job."

Red Hat also announced three new JBoss open source projects related to transaction monitors, SOA management and systems managemet,

Black Tie is designed to help customers migrate away from key legacy systems such as Tuxedo, Red Hat execs said. The legacy-to-java transaction processing integration system supports BEA's Tuxedo APIs. It will start within 30 days.

The second open source project, JBoss SOA Governance, will give customers comprehensive management and control of their SOA environments. The project is really a series of sub-open source projects dealing with the registry, repository and policy management, and other as-yet-to-be-defined modules, executives said. One of the first projects, JBoss DNA.org, will focus on metadata integration.

The final open source project, dubbed RHQ, is a common systems management platform developed by Red Hat's JBoss division and Hyperic, an open source management ISV.

A forthcoming Red Hat product based on RHQ, JBoss Operations Network 2.0, will be available in the spring of 2008, executives said.

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