
Va. law requires online safety classes

We teach our kids not to take candy from strangers, but what do we teach them about using the Internet? A Virginia law will require basic training.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

"We teach our kids not to talk to strangers. We teach our kids not to take candy. But in today's world on the Internet, not only can you be talking to strangers without supervision, but you can be talking to someone you think is not a stranger, but who is one. There needs to be some sort of basic training on that."


That's Virgina Del. William H. Fralin Jr., sponsor of a bill that Gov. Tim Kaine signed today, requiring Virginia schools to provide basic online safety training to students. According to the Washington Post:

The law directs the state Department of Education to issue guidelines to schools for integrating Internet safety into their regular instruction. Fralin said many children encounter dangers with computers at home, not at school, but because some parents are technologically inexpert, schools need to step in.

"In some cases the parents are more technologically challenged than their kids are," he said. "We've certainly sat down with my son and talked about Internet safety. But to tell you the truth, I'd be more comfortable if someone with more knowledge talked to him."



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