
Vigilante OAP enforces mobile phone driving ban

What's more dangerous: The woman on the mobile phone or the man who runs her off the road because of it?
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

What's more dangerous: The woman on the mobile phone or the man who runs her off the road because of it?

A 77-year-old US man has taken the law into his own hands in the fight against drivers who use mobile phones while behind the wheel of their car. David Knight of Stratford Connecticut was reportedly appalled to see a woman in the car next to him using her mobile phone while driving and so careered across her lane and ran her off the road. The woman claims she wasn't even on the phone, saying she was about to make a call while sat stationary at traffic lights but decided against doing so after the traffic started moving again. However, Knight was convinced that the woman was endangering other drivers by chatting on her phone and so took dramatic action. When questioned by the police Knight said he is "prejudiced against people who talk on phones while driving", according to the Connecticut Post. Knight has been charged with reckless endangerment.
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