
Visionary 2009: Jim Clark on the importance of Stanford university to Silicon Valley

Jim Clark, co-founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape was one of four winners of the SDForum 2009 Visionary Awards. He spoke about his earlier life and how he was trying to get out of Texas, then trying to get out of the navy.
Written by Tom Foremski, Contributor

Jim Clark, co-founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape was one of four winners of the SDForum 2009 Visionary Awards. He spoke about his earlier life and how he was trying to get out of Texas, then trying to get out of the navy.

He also spoke about the importance of Stanford university and its encouragement of entrepreneurs. Other universities look down upon business people.

Please also see the other winners:

Judy Estrin: Silicon Valley Unwilling To Fix Structural Problems Around Innovation, Blame Others

Kay Koplovitz: We Need More Women Entrepreneurs

Vinod Khosla: How To Succeed In Silicon Valley By Bumbling And Failing...

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