
Vista packaging tutorial?

OK - maybe it's just me, but is there a metaphor in this or what? Teching It Easy points to a tutorial posted on the WOW Archive on The Hive that demonstrates the proper way to open the packaging for Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007. Now you need an illustrated tutorial just to know how to properly open the package? WOW, indeed.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

OK - maybe it's just me, but is there a metaphor in this or what? Teching It Easy points to a tutorial posted on the WOW Archive on The Hive that demonstrates the proper way to open the packaging for Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007. Now you need an illustrated tutorial just to know how to properly open the package? WOW, indeed.

(In all fairness to the product packaging designer, I was able to successfully open a Vista package without any instructions).

Photo source: The Hive - photo by Sidebar Geek 

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