
Vonage Forums rudedog40 on Vonage: this isn't a Ron Popeil Turkey Jerky Machine: it's a stock

The comments are starting to pour into the Vonage Forum from folks with a point of view about the class-action shareholder lawsuit filed against Vonage earlier today.In terns of quippy turn-of-phrase, as well as sheer brashiness, Vonage Forum Member rudedog40's new post is definitely at the top of the scale.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

The comments are starting to pour into the Vonage Forum from folks with a point of view about the class-action shareholder lawsuit filed against Vonage earlier today.

In terns of quippy turn-of-phrase, as well as sheer brashiness, Vonage Forum Member rudedog40's new post is definitely at the top of the scale.

Mudslinging, and informed, impassioned reading if you ask me. Or even if you don't.

Here's what rudedog40 writes: 

The idiot ambulance chaser is probably a Vonage customer that bought into the IPO. Now he'll sucker the rest of you crybabies into a useless lawsuit, make 100 times more in the legal fees than what he may have lost in the stock purchase, and laugh all the way to the bank.

It gets more and more laughable everytime one of these new postings pop up about how you ignorant fools feel like Vonage ripped you off because the stock tanked. As long and worded as the prospectus was, I'm sure any 'lawyer' could find some loophole or reason to justify a lawsuit.

At what time, and where was it written where Vonage stated, "We guarantee this IPO will be successful. Buy into the stock purchase plan, and we'll insure you will make tons of cash, or you're money back!!"

This isn't a Ron Popeil Turkey Jerky Machine. It's a stock traded on the NY Stock Exchange. When you agreed to purchase this stock, you were told of the risks. People have said this so many times, yet you choose to ignore it. You keep trying to justify and come up with illusions of grandeur of how Vonage purposely and maliciously talked you into buying this stock. Nobody held a gun to your head and forced you to buy this stock.

I went through the process. There had to be at least 20 screens that warned you of the risks, and asked you if you were sure you wanted to proceed with the purchase. I just can't believe you people could live with youselves if some moronic lawyer finds some obtuse wording in the prospectus to get you out of having to live it up to your committment to purchased what you agreed to buy.

If it does happen, it can have adverse affects on the market we see today. That's the scary part. Another company IPO's and tanks. "They purposely ripped us off! We want our money back!! Vonage buyers did it, why can't we?" If a lawsuit does happen, I see it going all the way to the US Supreme Court before it gets resolved.

This one's heating up, people. 

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