
Vonage's top patent attorney interviewed in today's WSJ Law Blog

Roger Warin is the point person at the center of Vonage's appeals in its patent infringement  clash with Verizon.Chairman of Washington, D.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor
Roger Warin is the point person at the center of Vonage's appeals in its patent infringement  clash with Verizon.

Chairman of Washington, D.C.-based Steptoe & Johnson, Warin,61, is the focus of today's Wall Street Journal Law Blog.

That's Warin at the top of this post. 

After a Friday morning ruling that Vonage had to immediately cease signing up new customers until it came to terms with Vierizon, Warin immediately prepared an appeal. “If you looked at press reports around noon on Friday they said, ‘Vonage Enjoined from Taking New Customers,’” said Warin. “Having that headline up over the weekend would’ve been very corrosive to the company," Warin tells The Law Blog's Peter Lattman.

Lattman notes that late Friday, the Federal Circuit — the appeals court specializing in patent appeals — granted Vonage a temporary stay on the lower-court ruling. The case will be argued on April 24.

“It was a roller-coaster ride,” Warin tells Lattman. “I had both the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in the same day.”

So have I, but in a different context.

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