
What about Google Earth shows over Google Talk?

Esteemed colleague Dan Farber thinks a Google-branded PC could work. In fact, rumors are flying that Google will announce such a product on Friday at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Esteemed colleague Dan Farber thinks a Google-branded PC could work. In fact, rumors are flying that Google will announce such a product on Friday at the Consumer Electronics Show. That's where I am, incidentially.

I think a Google network appliance-  such as the oft-rumored Google Cube- would be a better idea. The way I envision Google Cube, it would be a wireless enabled network appliance with the main function of distributing Google content from a PC to other devices throughout a home or a business.

With my vision of Google Cube, you could, for example, run Google Earth on your HDTV screen. That same screen could run Google Talk, which, with the appropriate video enhancements, could let you conduct your own voice-enabled travel show as you "fly" on Google Earth from place to place and use Google Talk to narrate your presentation to folks you call over the application.

The folks you call would then watch your Google Earth "show" over their big-screen, teleconferencing system or even plain old TV.

There would be enterprise applications as well. Such Google Earth "shows" could be used in many vertical industries, including real estate and travel.

Cisco would be a logical hardware partner for such a device. Agree?



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