
What flavor of e-mail tool do you prefer?

Rod Boothby is conducting an unscientfiic poll about preferences in e-mail tools. The results look a bit screwy to me, leading me to believe that there is a Lotus Notes Survey Ninja group out there whose existence was formerly unknown to me. Or maybe I just missed the memo that the world has decided to adopt Notes en masse.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor
Rod Boothby is conducting an unscientfiic poll about preferences in e-mail tools. The results look a bit screwy to me, leading me to believe that there is a Lotus Notes Survey Ninja group out there whose existence was formerly unknown to me. Or maybe I just missed the memo that the world has decided to adopt Notes en masse.

In either case, I'd like to encourage you to pop over to Rod's innovation Creators blog to answer his three simple questions (actually you only have to answer two).

Do you use Notes? If so, how do you like (or hate) it?

Do you use Outlook? If so, same love/hate question.

If you got to choose, what would you have your company use? Notes? Outlook? Web mail? 

Feel free to express yourself in Talkback too. 

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