
What was your first computer?

Nostalgia refuses to go out of fashion...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

Nostalgia refuses to go out of fashion...

One of our most popular video pieces ever was The Big Question: What was your first computer?, first aired in April 2002. At the time it brought in a barrage of reader comments as you all became dewy eyed at the recollection of your first brush with home computing. It also gave rise to a series of articles written by similarly nostalgic silicon.com staff. Last week, the video returned to the inbox as our archive 'Video of the Week' and the reader comments poured in once more. For those of you who missed the coverage at the time or want to revisit a favourite article about a favourite machine, below are the links to all the articles in the series. Enjoy, and feel free to register any reader comments below. THE ZX SPECTRUM
The Joy of Specs - in memory of our long lost rubber-keyed friend... http://www.silicon.com/a50364 THE BBC MICRO
The granddaddy of them all?
http://www.silicon.com/a50798 THE ACORN ELECTRON
BBC at school, Electron at home, arguments with Spectrum owners on the way home...
http://www.silicon.com/a50548 THE DRAGON 32
Welsh splendour from the early 80s... iechyd dda!
http://www.silicon.com/a51220 THE VIC-20 AND THE COMMODORE 64
Our first brush with Bill Gates, and we didn't even know it...
http://www.silicon.com/a50999 BEST OF READER COMMENTS: YOUR FIRST COMPUTER
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