
What's Up with Moblin?

Anyone know what is going on with Moblin? They had been in a mode where they were releasing a Beta update about once a week, sometimes a bit more often.
Written by J.A. Watson, Contributor

Anyone know what is going on with Moblin? They had been in a mode where they were releasing a Beta update about once a week, sometimes a bit more often. Now there hasn't been an update since 18 August, but the Download page still says "this is the weekly refresh...".

Does anyone know for sure what is going on? I would guess that either things are a lot worse than expected (which would fit nicely with the fact that I have not been able to get any of the past five or six Beta releases to boot and run consistently on this netbook), and they have decided to pull back and regroup; or, things are very good, and they have stopped issuing weekly betas while they package and prepare the first full release.

Just wondering.


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