
While we wait for Leopard

Some things to pass the time until next Friday's Leopard release:Brush up on Apple's 300 new features so that you can recite them from memory.Review Leopard's "top secret features" that Apple didn't want to divulge too early so that Redmond couldn't start their photocopiers.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor
While we wait for Leopard
Some things to pass the time until next Friday's Leopard release:

If you're an interface hacker and just can't wait to have the Leopard UI, you can practice by installing the Space and Grass desktop pictures. Then install ShapeShifter (US$20) and Clear Dock (free) and Liger. Liger makes the menu bar semi-transparent, allows you to make the dock background similar to the angled one from Tiger and even gives you the Leopard folder icon set.

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