
Will Vista SP1 finally make the upgrade worth it?

While consumers have largely adopted Vista because it comes standard on new computers, educational institutions, like many enterprises, have been slower to jump on the bandwagon. The rule of thumb is to generally at least wait for Microsoft's first service pack before making any widespread migrations.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

While consumers have largely adopted Vista because it comes standard on new computers, educational institutions, like many enterprises, have been slower to jump on the bandwagon. The rule of thumb is to generally at least wait for Microsoft's first service pack before making any widespread migrations. So Service Pack 1 is available to OEMs today; have the annoyances and general dissatisfaction with Vista diminished to such an extent that Windows shops are ready to make the move?

For me, I can't say that my new purchases as we enter another round of tech refreshes for teachers and administrators later this year will be running Vista, just because SP1 is available. While my users at the high school are largely asking to continue using Windows on their new machines, I'm not comfortable with having them use what will increasingly amount to a deprecated OS.

Of course, if I had my way about it, they'd be using OSX or Ubuntu and I still might get my way if I can give enough users the opportunity to try all 3 operating systems before we make any purchases. What about your shops? Will you be making the move?

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