
Windows 7 build 7077 screenshots leaked

Screenshots of Windows 7 build 7077 have started to appear around the Web, with reports that the 32-bit version has been fully leaked and is downloadable from several websites.Ars Technica reports that there are no noticeable differences between build 7068 and any of the 707x builds.
Written by Andrew Nusca, Contributor

Screenshots of Windows 7 build 7077 have started to appear around the Web, with reports that the 32-bit version has been fully leaked and is downloadable from several websites.

Ars Technica reports that there are no noticeable differences between build 7068 and any of the 707x builds.

[Image Gallery: Windows 7 build 7077]

Interestingly, there isn't a specified build string in the "About Windows" dialog box as has been seen in previous builds, saying only "Version 6.1 (Build 7077)." The public beta build was the only other version carrying the same format: "Version 6.1 (Build 7000)."

Ars reports that the build string for the latest build is "7077.0.090404-1255," indicating that it was compiled less than a week ago, on April 4, 2009, at 12:55 p.m. This is 20 minutes after what has been called build 7105 was compiled, "widely rumored to be a milestone build," Ars writes, given that Microsoft only increments the second digit of the build number if an important point in development has been reached.

As has been reported by our own Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft is expected to give a new build to testers this month, and a public Release Candidate build is coming in May.

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