
Windows Users: drop everything and install Safari for Windows now

Warp Factor 8, Mr. Sulu. Or if you prefer, Cmdr. Data.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Warp Factor 8, Mr. Sulu. Or if you prefer, Cmdr. Data.

I interrupt my regularly scheduled programming to tell you that Apple's Safari 3, which is being released today, is not only Windows-compatible, but it:

*Is faster than the bloated up Internet Explorer you Windows users may be running now. Apple says that June, 2007 tests based on VeriTest’s iBench Version 5.0,  Safari loads pages up to 2 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2.

And it executes JavaScript up to 2.8 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2.

Not only that but my personal sniff test tells me that Safari 3 for Windows:

*Is far, far less of a memory hog than Firefox.

*Offers clearer navigation and less clutter than Opera.

What you waitin' for?

Those Windows users who choose to download Safari- come back here and let us know what you think!

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