
Windows XP: 6 months on

Microsoft's latest operating system is now six months old: is it meeting your expectations, or causing you more exasperation than you bargained for?
Written by Jim Aspinwall, Contributor
Is Windows XP meeting your expectations or causing you more exasperation than you bargained for? Microsoft's latest operating system is now six months old, and most people would say that it's neither a failure nor a raging success. Although XP promised the latest and greatest multimedia, security and ease-of-use features available, many users have not yet upgraded, fearing the hefty system requirements and potential compatibility disasters inherent in a major OS upgrade.

Windows XP: time for the half-year anniversary report.
At the end of the day, some 17 million of us chose the XP route. Did we really get what we paid (quite a lot) for? Is XP really more stable and more secure? Does it support all of our hardware and software? Does it really have cool new features we can't live without? In honour of its half-year anniversary, we checked in on XP to see what major issues linger, if any, and what features you might be missing.
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