
With patent stay-ruling expected today, Vonage's future could hang in the balance

In just a few hours from now, Vonage will hear if a Federal judge will grant a stay in his ruling that Vonage is liable for violating three of Verizon's VoIP-related patents.U.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor
In just a few hours from now, Vonage will hear if a Federal judge will grant a stay in his ruling that Vonage is liable for violating three of Verizon's VoIP-related patents.

U.S. District Court Judge Claude M. Hilton will either issue the injunction or provide Vonage with a stay. Vonage has indicated they want either a 120-day stay or a stay that will remain in place  for the duration of the appeals process.

Forbes.com reports that Verizon may be willing to compromise and let Vonage go on as they are- but would like to arrange it so that Vonage would not be allowed to sign up any new customers while the case wends its way throught he judicial system.

If Vonage doesn't go for that- and I can't imagine that they will- they may try to defy Verizon by implementing this hazy "workaround" that they say will enable them to continue service without infringing on Verizon's patents. 

We shall see what happens. I predict a stay.



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