
WMF patch

Just in case you have *not* patched your Windows OS yet here is a link to the patch. Takes about 45 seconds to install.
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

Just in case you have *not* patched your Windows OS yet here is a link to the patch. Takes about 45 seconds to install. Don't have to reboot evidently.

I have been thinking about the half life of Windows vulnerabilities. Since we still see lots of ByteVerify exploits 1.5 years after the patch became available I suspect that the half life is maybe 6 months.

So, this past Thursday there would have been 600 million vulnerable computers. By June there will be 300 million and by next year at this time 150 million. Plenty of opportunity for the spyware purveyors.

A super critical vulnerability in Windows is *not* addressed when MSFT releases the patch. It pollutes the computing ecosystem as effectively as Strontium 90 pollutes the eco ecosystem.

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