
Would you like to help us with a cloud computing survey?

The 451 Group's CloudScape research program finds cloud adoption has accelerated significantly over the last couple of quarters - the number and range of services has proliferated in equal measure too. In order to better understand the dynamics of this adoption and identify drivers, inhibitors, requirements and common practices, we're surveying a broad base of end users for the next edition of the research.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

The 451 Group's CloudScape research program finds cloud adoption has accelerated significantly over the last couple of quarters - the number and range of services has proliferated in equal measure too. In order to better understand the dynamics of this adoption and identify drivers, inhibitors, requirements and common practices, we're surveying a broad base of end users for the next edition of the research.

This should be pretty quick and easy. The survey is 23 questions designed to be answered in five or six minutes and is anonymous. It doesn't require any sign-up.

If participants do provide contact information, they will receive a summary of the results, an invitation to a Webinar based upon the findings as well as a current 451 User Deployment Report.

This is the link:


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