
YouTube meets VCs? First look at AVTV

EXCLUSIVE: First look at AVTV!
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
Want to experience “the excitement of the venture capital world” at your desk or on the go?

American Venture Network (AVN), which bills itself as “the premium online community for investors, entrepreneurs and professional service providers,” has extended its offerings with an interactive and portable connection to the high-stakes VC industry through its new American Venture Television (AVTV) high definition Web newscasts at AmericanVenture.tv.

AVN describes its “community” as “doers, not dreamers.” While doing, they are also dreaming big, though, seeking to propel the development of emerging growth technology companies. 

AVN is a media and service provider for early stage technology entrepreneurs and investors and reaches them through a variety of touch points, online and off:

American Venture Magazine
Business Plan Posting
Venture Capital Conferences
American Venture Capital Exchange

AVN has a ten-year track-record in connecting advertisers and vendors to the attractive VC industry demographic. AVTV is designed as both a usable information source for professional practitioners and a monetization platform.

Inaugural programming on AVTV features AVTV News, a tri-weekly show.  AVTV News presents venture capital industry specific headline news, “Who Got Money” funding announcements, “Movers & Shakers” entrepreneur and investor profiles and VC conference updates.

AVTV News shows currently include a short mid-roll ad for products or services such as business plan development software.

AVN regional editor Andy Angelos told me future advertising initiatives include product placement and merchandising opportunities to capitalize on AVTV’s “Connect Now” feature: 

If our host is drinking the new Starbucks blend, or a special vintage wine, a link will appear allowing viewers to explore the product or purchase the item. 

“Connect Now” enables AVTV viewers to simultaneously link to related information from across the Web. Blogs, company websites, and articles from outside sources are chronologically presented throughout each broadcast to complement the newscasts.

AVTV also supplements the shows with text summaries of newscast editorial. Each segment is formatted and available for download to any portable media device. 

Angelos told me future development plans include a video widget to enable “bloggers and media sources to include an AVTV video feed on their site.” 

Tim O’ Malley, AVN CEO, is confident AVTV addresses the needs of all constituents within the VC industry:

Multi-tasking is essential in today's business world and American Venture Network wants Connect Now enhanced programming to be a portal for the comprehensive news experience combining video, traditional news, blogs, and advertisements in a non-invasive fashion.

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