
ZDNet's Tax Refund Special for Tax Year 2008

It's the economy, stupid...but that doesn't mean you can't live a little when Uncle Sam hands you (your own) money once you've filed your taxes this year.
Written by Andrew Nusca, Contributor

It's the economy, stupid...but that doesn't mean you can't live a little when Uncle Sam hands you (your own) money once you've filed your taxes this year.

The average tax refund in 2008 was $2,429, according to the IRS. We here at ZDNet believe the best way to reap personal reward from that refund -- and do your part to kickstart the economy, no less -- is to buy some tech goodies.

With that in mind, our expert product reviews bloggers on ZDNet have compiled our "Tax Refund Special" -- lists of what to do with your tax refund, organized by product category. It's the cream of the gadget crop that we think readers should spend their hard-earned green on. (After all, consumerism helps jump-start the economy!)

Here's our tax time special, served hot n' fresh:


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