
Zerofootprint promises one-click carbon reporting

Chances are your company is interested in doing the right thing: rolling up all the numbers and data that go into a responsible carbon disclosure report. But, honestly, you are probably really challenged by the time commitment that it will probably take.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Chances are your company is interested in doing the right thing: rolling up all the numbers and data that go into a responsible carbon disclosure report. But, honestly, you are probably really challenged by the time commitment that it will probably take.

You may be interested, then, in a new "One-Click Report" template that carbon reporting and information developer Zerofootprint has developed for its VELO Enterprise Carbon Management Software. The reporting template makes it similar for an organization to prepare a report that is ready for filing with the Carbon Disclosure Project, through which thousands of the world's biggest companies report their greenhouse gas emissions statistics. That specification is known as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

There's one really good reason to use it: if you comply with this reporting structure, you can get a better sense of where your organization stands from a carbon footprint reduction standpoint. My one criticism is that I'd like to see organizations think about reporting carbon footprint information on an ongoing basis, like SAP has planned to do on a quarterly basis, rather than just as one annual number. But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.

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