Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller started using mobile devices in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since. Matthew started using mobile devices with a US Robotics Pilot 1000 and has owned hundreds of devices running Palm, Linux, Symbian, Newton, BlackBerry, iOS, Android, webOS, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone operating systems. His current collection includes the latest and greatest foldables, wearables, and more, along with classic devices like the Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 and Sony CLIE UX50. Matthew can be found on various social networks under the user name of "palmsolo."

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Check out the Smartphone Round Robin and win your own smartphone

Check out the Smartphone Round Robin and win your own smartphone

At this time of year people are looking for gifts and to help you out and we here at ZDNet are assembling 2008 Holiday Gift Guide. I posted my Smartphone Holiday Guide to help you figure out which smartphone is best for you. Another excellent resource that you may find interesting is the Smartphone Experts Smartphone Round Robin articles. There are five sites in the Smartphone Experts group and they take away the primary device for each editor and have them evaluate the primary devices from each of the other editors through November and December. In addition to reading all of the great perspectives from users of different platforms, there are amazing contests where you can win one of these smartphones for free.

November 23, 2008 by in Mobility