Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller started using mobile devices in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since. Matthew started using mobile devices with a US Robotics Pilot 1000 and has owned hundreds of devices running Palm, Linux, Symbian, Newton, BlackBerry, iOS, Android, webOS, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone operating systems. His current collection includes the latest and greatest foldables, wearables, and more, along with classic devices like the Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 and Sony CLIE UX50. Matthew can be found on various social networks under the user name of "palmsolo."

Latest Posts

Keep dreaming and hoping, we won't see an Apple tablet anytime soon

Keep dreaming and hoping, we won't see an Apple tablet anytime soon

Right at the end of 2008, Michael Arrington posted some info from his sources on a rumored large form Apple iPod touch/table for sometime in 2009. There is now some information available on an Apple patent for a large display device. Even with these pieces of information and hopes of the Apple faithful, I am highly skeptical of Apple ever releasing an Apple tablet/large display iPod. The iPod touch is already priced at $299 and $399 and the original iPhone (unsubsidized) was priced at US$599 so an Apple tablet would easily be priced at $700+ I am sure. In today's economy that is an unreasonable figure when small form notebooks with actual keyboards can be used to do the same thing for $300.

February 3, 2009 by in Laptops

Will we ever see a Sony PSP 2?

Will we ever see a Sony PSP 2?

One area of mobile gear that I was asked to include here on the Mobile Gadgeteer blog was portable gaming and I have to admit I haven't written much about this area in the past. I personally own and enjoy playing games on my original Sony PSP. We also have several Nintendo portable gaming devices in my house, including my original Gameboy, Nintendo DS, and DS Lite models. My daughters use the Nintendo DS models quite a bit and enjoy gaming and chatting with each other. I prefer to play games on my PSP and charge it up for gaming and movies when I travel. I just read over on IGN that the PSP 2 may be coming this year.Do you enjoy gaming on the go? If so, do you use your iPhone, PSP, Nintendo DS, or other mobile device?

January 27, 2009 by in Mobility

Follow four writers and four MIDs on the Mid Moves tour around the world

Follow four writers and four MIDs on the Mid Moves tour around the world

Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) were the hot topic of CES 2008, but we never really saw them hit the market in large numbers in 2008. At CES 2009, there were MIDs again shown to the crowd, but the small notebook (aka netbook) category is what people seem to be more excited about. I think the familiarity with the keyboard is a tough thing to overcome and personally wonder if MIDs are relegated to niche markets. If you are interested in mobile computing and MIDs, then I recommend you check out and follow the Mid Moves project this week. Four well-known mobile bloggers are out and about around the world and posting wireless from different models of MIDs as they try to showcase and test out the capabilities of these devices.

January 20, 2009 by in Hardware

Review: M-Edge Executive Leather Jacket and e-Luminator light for the Amazon Kindle

Review: M-Edge Executive Leather Jacket and e-Luminator light for the Amazon Kindle

I was quite late to the Kindle party, but after getting some Amazon gift certificates and a Fall credit card deal I picked one up a few months ago. I also have a Sony Reader, but use the Kindle more due to the connectivity options. One aspect of these ebook readers that keeps me reading on my mobile phones still is the lack of backlighting and ability to read them in the dark or low light conditions. I know the new Sony Reader has backlighting, but don't like the reduction in screen clarity that is sacrificed for the backlight. I was very pleased with M-Edge asked if I wanted to check out a couple of accessories for the Amazon Kindle and have to say that these two accessories resulted in me reading more now than ever before. The M-Edge Executive Leather Jack and e-Luminator light are must have accessories for the Amazon Kindle.

January 18, 2009 by in Mobility