
It's official gasoline now over $4 per gallon average in U.S.

And that can only mean more interest and investment in clean tech. The AAA gas price survey topped $4 per gallon for the first time today.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

And that can only mean more interest and investment in clean tech. The AAA gas price survey topped $4 per gallon for the first time today.

Morgan Stanley analysts have already said crude oil futures should hit $150 per barrel by July 4th. And you thought I was kidding? Calpers' big alternative energy investment starting to look like a no-brainer.

The high oil prices are going to reverberate across the political landscape. There are already Congressional and regulatory investigations into oil futures trading in the U.S. And the very pro-business "Wall Street Journal" is outlining the different oil policies proposed by the presumptive Presidential nominees of the two major parties.

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