
Oil prices drive solar stocks sky high

Crude oil seems determined to hit $90 per barrel, soon. There are some analysts, so-called, already predicting $120 per barrel because $100 no longer catches the headlines.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Crude oil seems determined to hit $90 per barrel, soon. There are some analysts, so-called, already predicting $120 per barrel because $100 no longer catches the headlines. And that's bad news for those of use who depend on fossil fuel, but good news for solar companies. Their stock prices are geting a rise out of the oil prices. If Turkey does invade Iraq, who knows where the prices may go?

As late as August there was doubt about the sustainability (sorry) of solar stock prices. Fewer doubters now. The WilderHill New Energy Innovation Index (that just slips off the keyboard so smoothly) is up 95% already since January 1, 2006. And so far, all that sunshine is free to the takers.

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