
The pain moves up the chain

You hate the price of gasoline if you drive a car in America. Many of us are driving less.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

You hate the price of gasoline if you drive a car in America. Many of us are driving less. Some are even buying more efficient cars. Waiting lists for Smartcar and hybrids are old news. I recently blogged about the mini-fad for golf carts on the streets.

Well, that gasoline pain is moving up the road. Next stop: Washington, thence to state capitals around the country. Seems less gasoline sales drops tax revenue and that means the Highway Trust Fund is going broke. There may be a whole country of bridges to nowhere, 'cause that's just how far they can get before the money drains away. Or maybe the Fund will get the kind of bailout that has gone to BearStearns and Freddie and Fannie. Just better hope China keeps loaning us those billions. Or else we can sell those unfinished roads to some private company that'll be happy to collect the tolls.

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