
Will EPA trump Congress on carbon? If so, watch the fur fly.

The Environmental Protection Agency, no longer secretly pledged to protect corporate profits as it was under the previous regime, is about to become more controversial even than the American medical cartel. After medical legislation is either passed or passed by, the EPA will issue some rulings that will rock the political and investment landscape.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

The Environmental Protection Agency, no longer secretly pledged to protect corporate profits as it was under the previous regime, is about to become more controversial even than the American medical cartel. After medical legislation is either passed or passed by, the EPA will issue some rulings that will rock the political and investment landscape. First, they may set a 35.5 MPG standard for vehicles by 2016. That's the proposal. This standard could become public next month. Fueling the move will be the belief in global warming and the science that supports it. Small comfort, great angst to the global warming deniers. THE BIG BOMBSHELL? Overall carbon regs, based on the EPA's finding that global warming endangers public health and safety. Oh boy, this could mean rules for everything from your chimney to the cement plant to every coal-fired electricity generator in America. Would we outlaw bar-b-wyues in Texas and force them to finally secede? How about gas-powered weed-wackers or chain saws? I can see grass roots rebellion that makes medicine town halls look healthy. These carbon regs could be just months away. So far it's not clear exactly when, but not until this medical stuff drifts out of view. That will make everybody forget about death panels and big pharma and even swine flu. Could be the biggest thing since...Michael Jackson or the next Super Bowl. And, as always, it will be part of the lawyer full emplyment act, the lawsuits will stretch from here to Copenhagen if laid end to end.

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