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5 years ago... Small UK firms urged to go back to nature

Or at least rural areas - and the arguments are ongoing...
Written by silicon.com staff, Contributor

Or at least rural areas - and the arguments are ongoing...

04.09.03 Small UK multimedia companies are being encouraged to head for the countryside in a drive to boost inward investment in rural areas. Wiltshire County Council is promoting features of the countryside such as low rent, educational facilities, space to grow and access to transport, that will help companies to thrive. As well as the commercial benefits, the campaign hopes to promote the lifestyle bonus from working in the countryside. However, Stephen Alambritis, lobbyist for the Federation of Small Businesses, had mixed feelings about the campaign. "It is less stressful but it is not necessarily lower rent and if [small companies] want to expand and gain an international presence, their location is important - in the global economy there is a cry for the golden post code," he said. 04.09.03 The idea of a truly high-speed, networked economy where we can work from almost anywhere is very attractive. And where there are clusters of businesses with broadband-enabled facilities we can imagine the air really does smell fresher for more than one reason. However, as the recent past has taught us - most recently in comments from silicon.com readers about the urban-rural divide - getting broadband in the countryside is no easy thing. Even the argument about paying more - for a satellite link, for example - because other costs of living are lower, doesn't usually stack up. It is quite likely that in another five years we will still be wondering why knowledge workers can't ply their trade from just about anywhere.
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