Home & Office

Amazon.co.uk: You'll find it in the kitchen at parties

New kitchen and home range available from everybody's favourite e-tailer...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

New kitchen and home range available from everybody's favourite e-tailer...

Amazon.co.uk has launched a new online store offering home and kitchen products via its popular online shopping service. Using the new department, customers will now be able to buy everything from Espresso makers and Kettles to electric toothbrushes and razors. This latest branching out by the pioneering e-tailer follows various moves away from its core book business with which it launched all the way back in the mid-1990s. Post-launch, CDs, videos and latterly DVDs and video games became an integral part of its offering as well more tangential moves into areas such as toys, clothes and travel. Through partnerships with third parties such as Toys R Us and Expedia, Amazon has been able to grow its offering incredibly quickly around a central, and largely unchanged, business model providing probably the widest range of products and services available to buy online 'under the one roof'. Robin Terrell, managing director of Amazon.co.uk, said in a statement: "Kitchen and Home is a natural extension to our product lines in the UK. Our proven formula of low prices, free delivery and objective editorial and unbiased customer reviews, will make Amazon.co.uk Kitchen & Home the one-stop shop for all of your household needs."
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