Home & Office

Broadband: Keeping up with the Joneses

New competition from tech heavyweights - viewers of Fame Academy will get the idea...
Written by Tony Hallett, Contributor

New competition from tech heavyweights - viewers of Fame Academy will get the idea...

It reads like something out of a Saturday evening TV show. Intel is working with BT Openworld, Microsoft and Sony on a lengthy project to supply six UK families with high-end PCs and a broadband connection. The idea is that the lucky households take part in a month-long 'Broadband Challenge', during November, and share their progress with the world via - no surprises - the web. To enter the challenge, anyone can go along to http://www.fastlaners.com and complete a survey, the results of which will handily be revealed at the start of next month. The selected families will be expected to complete various online tasks, such as compiling and sending photo albums, and share their experiences in "a series of personal video diaries". silicon.com will be following the progress of those involved and we'd like to hear your thoughts - on the competition, the survey (which is lengthy, we know) or whether the time is right to market broadband this way. Post a Reader Comment below.
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