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BSkyB in talks to buy Tiscali UK

Not much to say here, other than we've finally got something solid on this story, rather than the endless speculation that seems to have been going around as long as I can recall.Tiscali is indeed in talks to sell off its UK operations, or part thereof, and the lucky suitor is BSkyB.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Not much to say here, other than we've finally got something solid on this story, rather than the endless speculation that seems to have been going around as long as I can recall.

Tiscali is indeed in talks to sell off its UK operations, or part thereof, and the lucky suitor is BSkyB. The line sent over from Italy today: "Tiscali clarifies that it is currently holding talks with the BSkyB Group plc in relation to certain UK assets."

So there you have it.

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