Home & Office

BT's 'Post Office' Tower gets listed

It's not Pisa but we like it...
Written by John Oates, Contributor

It's not Pisa but we like it...

London's much-loved Post Office tower is likely to get 'listed' status - protecting it for posterity. English Heritage has included the building, along with ITV Broadcasting Tower on Emley Moor in West Yorkshire. Buildings considered historically important get listed status which restricts the changes you can make to them. The tower - now called BT Tower, near Euston station - is 650 feet high. It was built between 1961 and 1965 for transmitting microwaves out of London. The round shape was designed to reduce wind resistance. The building originally had a revolving restaurant near the top. The tower was closed to the public in 1971 because of fears of terrorist attacks. It is still used for corporate entertaining. The list of buildings goes to culture minister Tessa Jowell for approval.
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