Home & Office

Buy.com says bye-bye to 125 staff

Troubled online retailer Buy.com has cut 42 per cent of its US workforce.
Written by Ben King, Contributor

Troubled online retailer Buy.com has cut 42 per cent of its US workforce.

Buy.com axed the positions as part of a bid to cut $70m from its cost base. The company expects sales for 2001 to be as much as 26 per cent down on last year's $787.7m figure. Buy.com's French and German operations were among the first in Europe to be affected by dot-com doom. Australia and Canada soon followed, and the sale of their UK operation to the John Lewis Partnership left the US as buy.com's last independent business. Buy.com also filed a lawsuit against the US PGA Golf tour organising body, seeking $45m damages for violating a sponsorship agreement. The PGA tour denies the allegations.
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