Home & Office

Dixons Group websites out of service

Whoops. All of the Dixons Group's retail websites - dixons.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Whoops. All of the Dixons Group's retail websites - dixons.co.uk, pcworld.co.uk and currys.co.uk - have been out of order since last night.

"The corporate one is still working, but that doesn't sell many washing machines," a spokesperson told ZDNet UK around 5pm on Monday. Routine maintenance carried out last night led to a "technical problem", apparently (we're not told what problem that might be, in a specific sense).

"We're not certain when we can get the sites back up, but we're aiming to get it back up this evening," the spokesperson added, while refusing to speculate on how much financial damage this will do to the firm's business. Rather a lot, I'd say, particularly in a recession.

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