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Does this make me a member of the mile-high club?

Now I can say I blogged from 35,000 feet.I knew American Airlines was testing GOGO's WiFi service on select flights between New York and San Francisco, but was still pleasantly surprised this morning to find out that my 7am flight out of Kennedy this morning was one of them.
Written by Josh Taylor, Contributor

Now I can say I blogged from 35,000 feet.

I knew American Airlines was testing GOGO's WiFi service on select flights between New York and San Francisco, but was still pleasantly surprised this morning to find out that my 7am flight out of Kennedy this morning was one of them.

Getting up and running was no different than signing on to any paid WiFi provider, and at $12.95 per flight, the charge isn't horrifying -- especially since most business travelers will likely be able to expense it. Through the end of the year, GOGO is offering 25% discount cards as folks board the plane (at least they were this morning), though for whatever reason, it didn't seem to take. Of course, being connected in the air means I was able to email customer service, so we'll see how long it takes them to get back to me.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the performance. Not only do basic online functions like IM work absolutely fine, but I was even able to connect to my Slingbox back home. According to the Bandwidth Meter over at our sister site, CNET, I've been getting between 754Kbps and 985Kbps - not too shabby.

And just a word to reassure any flight attendants who might be reading this - I promise to keep my surfing clean.

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