Home & Office

Eee by gum!

Clearly inspired by the Nintendo Wii (and possibly the WEEE directive, but I doubt it), Asus has decided to launch a new ultramobile PC called the, er, Eee. What next - the Oooo, or Aaaa?
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Clearly inspired by the Nintendo Wii (and possibly the WEEE directive, but I doubt it), Asus has decided to launch a new ultramobile PC called the, er, Eee. What next - the Oooo, or Aaaa? Asus Eee PC The device is all very internet-centric, and apparently Eee stands for "Easy to learn, work, play; Excellent Internet experience and Excellent mobile computing experience". So now you know. Actually, it does look kinda nice - 7-inch screen, only weighs 890g, solid-state storage, built-in webcam and Wi-Fi, 3-hour battery life and half a gig of RAM. And it's XP compatible, which increasingly seems like the smart option.

Pity about the name, but - if the success of the Wii is anything to go by - I doubt it'll be too much of a worry for Asus.

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