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FCC chairman clears way for cheap broadband access

You can check phone messages on your television, watch a movie on your cell phone and soon use one phone that works over land lines at home, cell phone networks on the road and Wi-Fi hotspots at coffee shops.
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor

In an interview in the LA Times, Kevin J. Martin, the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, called for bipartisan support for cheap nation-wide broadband access. Says the Times:

"The Martin-led FCC has removed rules requiring the nation's phone companies to share high-speed lines with competitors, creating a more level playing field with cable TV's high-speed service. It also has adopted a resolution stating that broadband customers have the right to gain access to the Internet and use any information or applications they want."

"I think we're going to see quite dramatic changes, but what's critical for all of those changes is increasing connections, increasing connection speeds and making sure it's ubiquitously and affordably done for everyone in the country. And increasingly that it's even done wirelessly." 

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