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Foreseen: Forsee out at Sprint. But will they learn from these mistakes under his watch?

As I posted last week- and with plenty of reasons offered- SprintNextel's feckless CEO Gary Forsee- was finally encountering some real thin ice.Only it didn't take that long before he slipped through said ice.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

As I posted last week- and with plenty of reasons offered- SprintNextel's feckless CEO Gary Forsee- was finally encountering some real thin ice.

Only it didn't take that long before he slipped through said ice.

He's out as of today.


I know I am sounding like a broken record, but too many customer defections (including mine BTW) happened under his watch. The cell service was inconsistent. Both marketing and technology-wise, the absorption of Nextel, which was purchased by Sprint two years ago,  proceeded at a glacial pace.

Loyal, paying customers were booted for roaming too much and/or asking too many questions of customer and tech "support." Rather than buying a VoIP company such as SunRocket with (200,000 built-in accounts) or Vonage with their 2.3 million ready-to-be-added-to-the-balance sheet force multiplier, Sprint twiddled their thumbs and got dreamy-eyed about building out a WiMAX network with Clearwire sometime around 2013.

The question now is has SprintNextel learned from the mistakes of the CEO they were separated from today?

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