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Full Spectrum: getting tough on telcos

The standard of telecommunications customer service has been a sore point in Australia for many years. Bad customer service, poor dispute resolution and bill shock are all symptoms that a new industry code promises to improve. Is it enough?
Written by Josh Taylor, Contributor

The standard of telecommunications customer service has been a sore point in Australia for many years. Bad customer service, poor dispute resolution and bill shock are all symptoms that a new industry code promises to improve. Is it enough?

Under the new code submitted yesterday, there will be clearer advertising and unit pricing and better tools to see exactly how much customers are spending. Yet, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) doesn't think that the comparative advertising goes far enough, and says that management tools need to be in real time, instead of being delayed by up to 48 hours.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will now review the code, and has warned that if it doesn't meet expectations, then the industry can expect more regulation, which will force changes onto the industry.

Do you think this code cuts the mustard, or do you think ACMA should step in?

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