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Germany eyes Chrome suspiciously

People should avoid using Google's Chrome browser due to privacy fears and its beta status, Germany's equivalent of the Information Commissioner has warned.According to Saturday's edition of the Berliner Zeitung, a spokesperson for the country's Federal Bureau for Information Technology Security said it was "problematic" that Google had used its market strength to launch a beta version of the product to the general public.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

People should avoid using Google's Chrome browser due to privacy fears and its beta status, Germany's equivalent of the Information Commissioner has warned.

According to Saturday's edition of the Berliner Zeitung, a spokesperson for the country's Federal Bureau for Information Technology Security said it was "problematic" that Google had used its market strength to launch a beta version of the product to the general public.

The spokesperson is also quoted as saying it would be risky for users to invest so much data with a single company, as Google also provides popular email and search applications.

Sniff sniff. Do we smell antitrust?

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